Marketing Resources
Incorporated Marketing Resources to bring your site to a new stage

Using the variety of Marketing Resources built into the Web Site Control Panel, you’ll be able to start promoting your new web site, as soon as it’s been created. With the RSS News syndication instrument, you can quickly place a frequently kept up–to–date notifications part in your website. With the GeoIP redirection tool, you can easily reroute your website traffic based on their location. Furthermore, via the Sitemap Generator, you can make a comprehensive sitemap for your website and send it to the search engines.
A Sitemap Generator
Obtain a sitemap with all your web pages a click of the mouse
The quickest method to get your recently launched website scanned by the search engines is to post a sitemap. The sitemap records all of the webpages on your website and by publishing it to a particular search engine, you tell it that you like those pages to get indexed without delay. Sitemaps are usually made by third–party applications. Nonetheless, with CLOUDSTARKS, you will not need to navigate away from your Web Site Control Panel. CLOUDSTARKS’s inhouse made Sitemap Generator is bundled into the Advanced Applications section and will create a sitemap for you in a click of the mouse.
All you need to do is choose the maximum amount of pages you wish to be scanned, the depth of the crawled links and also the format of the sitemap file.
GeoIP Redirection
Geographic location–based redirections with only a click
CLOUDSTARKS offers you a great way to route your users based on physical location. Via the GeoIP redirection application, you could redirect all of the visitors who arrive from a specific area to a native language version of your web site. For instance, if you’ve got an Italian version of your website, you can quickly direct all the customers from Italy to that particular page in contrast to asking them to move to Italian as soon as they open the English variant. This will help you provide your visitors with an intuitive online stay right from the start.
There is no need for virtually any particular abilities or tech knowledge to employ the GeoIP redirection tool. It’s configured with a click of the mouse.
RSS News
Display the most current news on your website
In the CLOUDSTARKS Web Site Control Panel, we’ve built in a tool, which lets you include publications from the most well–known news sites on this planet inside your websites, with just a click of the mouse. Our News Publication tool functions automatically and does not demand any extra configuration work on your part,
The RSS News unit is simple to customize in terms of HTML and CSS. You can adjust the quantity of news bits that are going to be showcased, exactly how they will look like, how they will be ordered, etc.