Webmail RoundCube in Shared Hosting
By having a shared hosting plan through us, you can use a cutting-edge webmail software called Roundcube. It's a completely functional client which can substitute for a regular computer program in day-to-day electronic mail communication and it incorporates a great deal of attributes. With just a couple of clicks, it will be possible to send and receive e-mail messages, set up aliases as well as an HTML signature, make an address book or manage your e-mail folders. Roundcube can be accessed in 2 ways - either by clicking on email addresses in the Emails area of the Hepsia Hosting Control Panel, or by typing our default webmail URL directly in the you browser’s address bar and typing in the email address along with its password. If you would like, it's also possible to create a custom-made URL with one of your domain names through Hepsia and use it to access the webmail.
Webmail RoundCube in Semi-dedicated Servers
When you choose a semi-dedicated server package through us, you'll be able to handle your email messages via a feature-rich webmail app named Roundcube. You have access to any mail box from every area by entering the webmail’s URL inside a web browser and typing in the e-mail address as well as its corresponding password, or once you can access your Hepsia Hosting Control Panel, you can just click on any email address and sign in to Roundcube without the need of entering any password. If you'd like, it's also possible to make a custom URL for the webmail and use it instead of the default one - a handy feature if you should host the website of some business or enterprise. Roundcube can be used as a main e-mail application since it contains a wide range of functions - address book, aliases, HTML signatures, and a lot more.