Boost your site by deploying a US Semi-dedicated Server.

If you think that your cloud hosting account is not really an adequate service for personal or business web presence, however a dedicated server is not up to your budget and too tricky to deal with, you could make use of our USA semi–dedicated servers.

A semi-dedicated service is really a unique combination from a shared hosting account and a dedicated server offering the the best of the two technologies. It gives you the strength of a dedicated server (minus the regular server administration responsibilities), through an easy–to–use Web Site Control Panel , which comes with all our cloud hosting plans by default.

And due to their uniqueness, our semi–dedicated servers are offered only in the data center in US. It was actually the initial data center at which we’ve been in a position to set up our tailor–made cloud hosting platform and it also provides unmatched power and cooling options. We have also created a customized internal network using enterprise–level Juniper routers and switches. This is why, we can ensure a 99.9% network uptime with our US Semi-dedicated Servers

One of the many advantages of our USA–based semi–dedicated servers certainly is the CLOUDSTARKS Web Site Control Panel. It is featured absolutely free with all of our semi–dedicated servers and has been meant to be running in the cloud. By doing this, we spare your server from the need to power the Control Panel and also your websites together. You can use the whole server strength exclusively for your sites. And also, the Web Site Control Panel is filled with free tools and add–ons , which will give a boost to your online presence.

Other US Hosting Services

Our data center in US is in addition home of other web hosting services along with our US semi–dedicated servers. We offer cloud hosting packages using a top–class cloud hosting platform. Every US Shared Hosting package boasts a academy domain name for just $40.99 and unmetered disk space & traffic quotas. You can also select our US VPS Servers, which have NVMe disks offering hard to beat file access speeds. You could go with a US Dedicated Servers – the best web hosting solution in case you have a live video streaming website or a CPU–intensive web application.